How do you like it ? All kings in one server !!! I was there too DDD
I think we should add forum leader's job "warning members" so we can get the best for us lol what do you think guys?
Well in forum now official clans use [] unofficial clans use () probably the game will be the same.
/offtopic is there any thread that's tell us what's spam? Yeah we've dcrease the spam I think LOL
And viliu don't forget to change your sign :]
Now official clans use [], unofficial clans use () probably the game will be the same.
Nope. I was on lots of servers and every unofficial clan have () in name.
was it the room when hampa get interviewed? I heard something about that but i don't really know what it is.
nice idea. We should ask for pchekinko first about it.
Those screenshots were taken right before he posted them, a tournament room was turned into "Hampas room" for a little while. I woul have been there but unfortunately I missed Hampa showing himself, so I didn't bother. The interview was some time last week, those screened were not taken then.