Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by jimbob View Post
its not a beta anymore...
its on the download page on

you know there's this funny thing called a public beta

it's where, you know, a program is in beta-testing stages and is available to the public, it's not private, you know what i mean?
you guys are ignoring all the good parts, the lag already got fixed for me, the server takeing over is fun, i like seeing how many servers i can steel : D, the new timer feature is great,
the god
3.4 sucks i prefer 3.32 but now i have half of the servers in No Connection allot of cool servers are missing
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
Wow, a whopping €7,50. That's like, wow, ten bucks! Please accept my heartfelt condolences for the loss of ONE HOUR OF FUCKING WORK'S WORTH OF CASH.

Cry river, build bridge, get over. Now please.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
I love how you finally get what you want, then you complain about it. I thought you all wanted to make your own servers. Just because they aren't perfect in your minds the first time through, doesn't mean it's the biggest mistake in nabi's history. Maybe you're just looking at them the wrong way. I'm pretty sure the private server function is meant for you guys to play with something called 'friends'. If you want to run a server that stays up forever and gets traffic, use Blam's server maintainer.

Some of us(mostly noobs) asked for free servers,
No one, asked for our payed servers to be taken down.
the god
Irrelevant. Unless you're from Zimbabwe, servers are cheap. 50k is nothing. Even if you're 12 and you have to buy it with your allowance.
Let's see things in perspective here, alright?
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack