Christmas Lottery
Sure, why not.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Um I'd like to apply for a alliance at least the new raku members of the new raku may not know me. But I know Kamura would remember my sexy face, right?
"The one, the only, D. Ogburn" Quote by, some guy living in my bathroom.
Yea, I posted this before I was invited :/
"The one, the only, D. Ogburn" Quote by, some guy living in my bathroom.
New single ally applicant.

Originally Posted by ninja684
Name of Clan/Member: Ninja684

Why do you want to ally: I want to join the clan someday but i think i should know you guys more first.

What would raku benefit from this:Someone different to talk to and play with.

Leader:If i was in a clan was this supposed to be the leader of it?

Frost is pretty cool
Man, I don't remember the last time someone approached the clan like that, fantastic to see initiative!
Yes tot he above alliance.