Originally Posted by Deoxer7 View Post
nice replay lol...

Hate people like him, for spamming into threads he has no buisness with.

Also I want this replay to be in the clan video.
Attached Files
Zyrax-Awsumness.rpl (326.1 KB, 6 views)
so uhh.. theres still gonna be a new vid?
you confuzzle me zy :c

anyway, anyone in the irc or ingame right now?
Like a lie
I'll post some replays within the next week or so

So, I have a few minutes spare to post some of them replays, and here they are.
They suck, I know, But I don't really care.
Attached Files
#Kam - Memory.rpl (204.1 KB, 5 views)
=Kam - Light the flame.rpl (113.3 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by kameron; Sep 2, 2012 at 05:38 AM.
well... that's sad... I guess... but whatever. It's his choice....
Anyways, the app is finished. ofc. I sent it to the other leader to approve and then it should be sent to one of the clan mods... along with the 50 k fee. Gotta raise the naovault's qi.

Also, as I can see you're going to make another clan vid? ;o
That's interesting... Who is going to do all the editing and stuff?

And sorry for me being somewhat forum inactive past days :<
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
k so aperently we have a new member. welcome to nao c:

also @lololerz @zyrax nathan is out \o/

Wait you mean out as in out of the clan?
or did you mean something else by that?

and who's the new Pai lover we got?
ok, now scram!

arty, i think it was zy, or you, or kam, or someone... can't really remember who... and too lazy to search in previous threads..
omgomgomg i can't is has waet for apply ofishul omgogmomg.

rad, yes. and hi. i think the new pai luvar is draco ( tho i think he was in nao before the clan system went gay )
Like a lie
alright so i made a new replay c: its been a while since i made a succesful replay cause i obviously suck at sp.also can sum1 tell me whos wyveron?

also its been a while since nao had a war, i b ingame looking for war k?
Attached Files
Butter Milk.rpl (131.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Appledosa; Sep 3, 2012 at 07:17 AM.
Originally Posted by Deoxer7 View Post
For NAO member i am so sorry for my post. I don't mean to spam your thread guys. I am just not so know about "spam". because Im still new on the forum. Please forgive me.
Sorry for my Post.

I'm in a mean/pissed off mood. Post here again, and I may be forced eat you.

Anywho, gai's, what'v I missed? Not much, I wager.