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[Art] Texture set - Feedback
Hi, I made this set and I was just asking if you guys could give me your opinion on it!
Things like the 10 scale and how much you think it would go for.

The head doesn't match the rest of the texture set, besides the colors. Even though the texture set looks mapped really nicely. The torso area is pointing down if you face the front, but the sides of the torso are pointing up. My favorite parts of the texture set are the thighs, legs, and feet.
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
The head doesn't match the rest of the texture set, besides the colors. Even though the texture set looks mapped really nicely. The torso area is pointing down if you face the front, but the sides of the torso are pointing up. My favorite parts of the texture set are the thighs, legs, and feet.

Thanks I'll improve the set and re-post some images of the improved parts.
like he said , mapped quite nicely , but I'd like to see that head on a different set , cause its sorta out of place in terms of design 8/10
TPC Flames

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