Christmas Lottery
I wasnt going to actually. I had become rather closely accquainted with azure recently.. So I just wanted somewhere to talk to him.
Thus I was going to join [Fish] but Fish said he didnt know me enough.
Anywho, Yay looks like I am in ;o


Fish is a lovely child, but he has still failed to provide me with secks. In which case, I am disappointed in his failure to secks me good.

Welcome aboard jmoze.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Thank you awaiting invite.


Apologies for the late invite moze, welcome to the family.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
No need to apologize. For I just woke up ;o but thank you


Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Already figured he would be applying, why else would he post here that often, and stalk our threads? Too predictable.

Yeah, me too. And you think I am as well?
Well of course your vote counts pab old chum he just had the majority vote before you arrived.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Here are my replays ;o
Extra big... Because they are extra awesome.
Attached Files
#J-Iwasdenied.rpl (240.3 KB, 2 views)
#J-some flips.rpl (76.6 KB, 2 views)
#J-Quality.rpl (82.3 KB, 2 views)
