You saw it on the internet and thought you were re-inventing hot water Excuse me for not being impressed with this, but it has been around for a long time. Attaching a batch file to anything and telling it to run simple echo commands is not that complicated, and this I don't find this so-called prank funny. But hey, maybe I would have, 6 years ago

@Silent: We can put pretty much anything in our [Hunters]Hunters thread, but I don't think we can force the video to start playing as soon as the page is opened. Which would kinda ruin the idea.

@clan: We're not really discussing anything at this point. Let's change that. What are your thoughts on "fate" or "destiny"? Do you think such a thing exists, and if so, to what extent ? I'm curious to see what my fellow clan members think about this
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
LT i did see it but im not saying i invented it
I just post it so someone can pull a prank on a friend.

LT: Yea, and I don't find it funny or at all worthy to be in our discussion thread. On topic now, please
Last edited by lordtiger; Sep 5, 2012 at 08:23 PM.
So I came up with an idea in the suggestions thread . It is an on going event that has no prizes but will help improve your technique and all around fighting skills . If it is aproved then this could end up being a huge benifit to the clan and have fun doing so. Go check it out and see what you think . But if it's aproved , it will only be on going if a good amount of members participate.
***please know the definition of fate before reading***

lordtiger: very interesting question, i believe its real but i also believe it
continues or changes every time we make a decisions. For example, a project is due if you procrastinate or sit around and do nothing, the failing grade is going to become your fate. Also, you can be in the same situation and instead put your best work into the project.

Then your fate would result in a good passing mark......the point I am trying to make is that i believe that fate is real, but what i'm trying to say is we can choose our own fate,our own action is in our control and depending on what that action is, will result in an inevitable positive or negative reaction. After this what ever other action we make will result in the next inevitable reaction (its kind-of like a cycle).

I'd love to read answers from other clan members to see what they think
I think there's two kinds of fate:
You get hit by a drunken driver (fate you can't control, what I call FATE)
You get bad grades (fate you can control, what I call CONSEQUENCES)
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Nothing in this world is certain to happen. Maybe it's my refusal in believing that a supreme deity exists, I'm not sure. But every action has a consequence, good or bad, and there are random events, either in the wrong place at the wrong time or a right place at the right time. I don't think events are destined to happen, just like the evolution of humans, it was simply by chance that we exist today.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you die. Is that God's plan? Probably not, but I guess that can be up for debate with some people.
Silent about the evolution of humans.. there is pretty much enough room in eternity for AT LEAST one planet with randomness + randomness = life. I dont really get this god thing either..

Aand to the fate, there's no fate or destiny whatsoever if you ask me. there are consequences from situations. For example if you run over a street without watching around you got like 10-20% chance to run all the way through to the other side without getting hit by a car (depends on the road of course) and the rest 90-80% you're being hit. its not like your "fate" or "destiny" has something to do with it.. The other case is just less likely to happen than the other. AND.. who makes you run through the street anyways? There's no other force than muscles and brain that makes us do things. Just consequences and random events as silent said
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Guys, guys .... why so focused on daily life? I meant fate/destiny as a whole. That certain things are beyond our control and with the capabilities we have there is absolutely nothing we can do about that. Maybe by explaining my view on this it'll be easier to understand.

I think that such a thing does exist, if on a cosmic scale. For example - all of us were born in this universe, in this specific galaxy, on this very Earth. As far as science can tell based on evidence so far(and no, religious books are not evidence), all of our predecessors were born here too. Unless there are many incredible breakthroughs in science(either making us better survivors, finding out ways to terraform other planets so we can inhabit them, inventing precise teleportation, building machines that expand our view on the observable universe, etc), we will all die here. And there is very little any of us can do about that. That is what I view as a sort of destiny, those inescapable things you can't change at your current state. We all need oxygen, water and nutrition to survive(as well as lots of other things, since we're very fragile as a species). What I'm getting at is that causality is inevitable - certain actions have only one possible outcome. That's about the only thing I view as fate or destiny, BUT ... I wouldn't go as far as to say that it will be like this forever. Maybe there will come a time when our descendants will be able to view other universes. Maybe one day they will be able to venture to other galaxies. But none of that is for certain. As of now, if our sun explodes before we've found a way to survive the massive explosion and somehow continue to live on without it, it would be the end of us. Anything and everything we've ever done will be reduced to ashes very quickly. So on a cosmic scale, it exists, but that's simply because nobody/nothing is powerful enough to defy it. Things that we view as impossible today may very well be possible in the future.

As of destiny on a personal scale, I have little reason to believe that it exists. Everything that happens is a result of our actions, and we have a degree of control over those actions. No deity of any kind is making our choices for us, there is no one "upstairs", nothing is "destined" to happen on a personal scale, the possibilities of what could have happened instead of what happened are nearly endless. However, this goes to the question of free will, which is an extremely hard one. In a nutshell, a line from Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne sums it up very well - "Makes you think about free will. Have our choices been made for us because of who we are?". This does not imply that someone has made our choices for us, but it does imply that when presented with a choice, our personalities, character, experience and emotions will most often lead to the same one choice(some call it the "gut feeling"). It would be "always" rather than "most often" if we were completely rational beings, guided only by reason and flawless logic, but that is not the case. So in a sense we'll always choose what we think is the better course of action based on who we are, as well as external factors and current state of mind. Some would argue that this is destiny

P.S: Man, I hope what I wrote is understandable, because there is really no extremely simple way to write down ideas like these.
Last edited by lordtiger; Sep 6, 2012 at 11:35 AM.
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