this clan appears great...why leave...for no real reason except you don't care...anyways you should get off the subject...back onto your great replays and stuff...
that's a nice body part :0 don't even know what it is..also why ninjacam don't you become an ally of the clan if...or no...i know you don't like clan stuff but every now and again then you can post ? that is if rip allows it xD
oh...never had a trails so didn't know what they looked like...a part from that guy that had twist written all over his body...but it's good, matches his set...also i would recomment pm'ing rip about "ally stuff" because that new rule?
not in-game...they can't...that is "pm" or "in-game" or in the "irc" are the only places you can ask to be a ally...that is why i got banned :/ only time ever...gutted