View Poll Results: Do you Think Phsych Ward will be successfull?
26 Votes / 50.98%
16 Votes / 31.37%
9 Votes / 17.65%
Voters: 51. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Belt: Black, soon 2 dan.
Name: Mikkola90
Age: 22
Previous Clans: none
Best at what mod(s): wushu
Why do you want to join the Psych Ward: had a realy fun fight with revolver360 and we talked about it, seems like a fun clan
Time Zone: Europe/stockholm
How many hours do you put in on toribash? (estimate): 100 maybe?
will you be active on our forums: Yes
Are you good at(art, videos, replay editing, marketing, recruiting): well, i know my way around photoshop, designed my own texture.
Post 1-3 replays of your best moves