The character is near from Death Note


I missed school because I'm sick and got Borderlands 2

[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
death note

I love the fact that people buy the book, write peoples names, and they don't die. Waste of money. <3


EDIT: It's a anime too, didn't know.
Congrazzles RICKMO118, you may now choose your prize!

Jammui: People probably like it just because it looks like the Death Note, not that it actually works.
Shmevin that was the most ridiculously easy question ever. Especially when you consider the fact 2 or 3 people in this clan have watched it because we told them too on the forums here.
daddy kill the spider
lolol it took me 1 second. BUT I'll take the 500 and a kissy on the cheek please :*
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
Shmevin that was the most ridiculously easy question ever. Especially when you consider the fact 2 or 3 people in this clan have watched it because we told them too on the forums here.

Hey now, the name of L's two followers were hard for me to remember. I don't even remember the other kids name.
Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
lolol it took me 1 second. BUT I'll take the 500 and a kissy on the cheek please :*

Alright, some of you faggots will be happy to hear I'm going to watch Naruto Shippuden.
I saw it before, but didn't pay too much attention. But yeah. How many episodes is it? I needed a long anime that is uploaded to a site that can smoothly run on my tablet.

And I ended up settling for Naruto. I was unhappy at first, but I reminisced about the series and now I'm excited about it.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
First one to name the character and the show gets a choice from these fabulous prizes:

Can I do the same? I do not think anyone will be able to name mine character or show.
Foxy*~ 'Cause flying is too mainstream!