Secret Santa 2024
hahaha, poor darky D: I got biten on pretty weird places as well. My blood must be sweet cause mosquitos seem to like it much !

Anyway, Spiders 0 - deprav 1 . I pwnd them hard, hoover style.

BUT, my power supply apparently died... I'll try to buy a new one today if I can go to the hardware shop, or I'll order a new one for the incoming week.
The bad part is I can't use my PC for now, the good part is I'll be able to make my 2 GPUs work in crossfire (I couldn't with the one who just died, too weak). So that's a perf increase ;p
Hello, i'm sorry for this stupid invade but i wanna join antibigdojo organization and i can't find it can someone from fl0w show me the direct link? as someone of you is leader of it.
well, it's got rebranded into judoka and then rebranded to trueaikido
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
I just realized that i'm ninth dan, and about 4/5ths of my games have been in wuhsu, which takes an average of 3 mins each...
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!