[MODS] Toribash mods three
well, i know it's not really a mod but i made some research of toribash mods evolution and i want to share it
well.. i may describe it a bit further if you want
well yeah it's all aslo sorted by date n stuff but yeah, you can see how mods appeared and by what influence:
sambo+wushu = lenshu ( no grabs there )
abd+aikido = greykido ( same aikido but more space due pads )
and so on
sambo line:
at first
sambo.tbm was introduced by
aikido.tbm was introduced by
spiritwrestling was introduced by
then aikidobigdojo by some1, to solve shoveling issue, but ended up as quite different from aikido mod
since imo spriritwrestling in spiritual sucessor of aikido, where the main point is to dq the opponent i separated abd from aikido line, since it's rather close to sambo due focus on dms and bigger dojo
greykido was introduced by
aikido7 was introduced by fl0w which take best of spiritwrestling
then s
sw4 was introduced, thats advanced version of spiritwrestlingfix
regarding wushu line it's simple:
wushu.tbm by mahatma?..
wushufixed.tbm by mahatma?
wushu_pro by romanovsky
brushu by brucia
wushu3 by fl0w
after some research i come to conclusion that lenshu and ninjutsu descended from sambo.tbm due custom mods types thread
ninjutsu later evolved into stabjutsu, which also knowsn as stabjutsu_original, since stabjutsu.tbm got wrong settings.
lenshu3 included grab, so i draw a relation froma ikido to lenshu3
lenshu3nd have no grab so yeah, no need to comment on that
classic evolved into taekkyon
then kickbox
then betabox
then betaboxfix
then deltabox
then deltaboxfix
then ErthTk
judo is.. meh
evolved ito judofrac. thats it
Last edited by snake; Sep 24, 2012 at 10:29 PM.