Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Clan Question] How do I invite someone?

How do i invite someone to my clan (LOTP)?
I saw an invitation on my clan and it says
"<name> invited <name> to join Lotp on <date>"

So when i saw that invitation i was wondering how do i invite

You need permition of leader first... after you need a necessary rank in your clan,you probally don't have...
yes i need to be at least a recruiter rank or co leader.if that rank is not achieved,you need to be a better person with the clan.then the leader or co leader will let you be some better rank.this thread rather be closed cause you should not need to ask a question like this.when you are the appropriate rank,you will see invite user,then a box.dont just invite anyone,only invite the accepted people.besides,the invite user thing is on the right of the members list on the top.this,a clan member should know.