Christmas Lottery
Got a job to do
when Darth's the guy that delegates
Got something against Skywalker
Someone he really hates

I don't give a fuck
I'm after Solo
For all I care
He could be hidin' at Yoda's dojo

My backpack's got jets
Well I'm Boba the Fett
Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt
To finance my 'Vette
Josh looked down at his oreos and back up to Paul. He could see no signs of emotion or any hint of anything in Paul's expression. Paul had given Josh th packet of oreos as a peace offering between their two gangs. The Brigters and The Brutgers had been in a bloody and brutal war for as long as either of them could remember. There had been peace negotiations before but something had always stopped them from reaching an agreement. The colour of the socks to be work on national sock day was one of the primary points of disagreement between the two gangs and was the one thing that they could never agree upon.

That was until oreos were brought into the equation. The fact that oreos were offered instead of the customary tonnes of gold was a sign that Paul really wanted the peace treaty to succeed this time around. No offering in recoded history had been as good as this packet of oreos besides the 1403 offering of tea. John was flabberghasted at the sight of this treasure. Surely that was worth it to concede the colour of socks to be worn on national sock day.

Strangely Paul didn't look that excited about the coming peace negotiations.
"That's weird" thought John "Paul is usually as excited as a religious person the day before one of the many fake apocalypses. Something must be wrong."

The oreos were too valuable to risk on mere ploys though. This must be a genuine peace offering. John slowly raised one of the oreos to his mouth, imagining the taste of the creamy and biscuity goodness soon to fill his tastebuds. He took a small bite at fist and then, unable to help himself, wolfed the entire oreo down in less than a second. The bliss was just too much. He sat there covered in the best feeling in the world. It felt better than anything he could have imagined. Even better than having a peanut butter and jam sandwich after a long day's warring, which everyone knew was one of the best feelings in the world..

He was still overwhelmed with bliss when the poison took effect and killed him where he sat. Paul checked his pulse and gave his gang the signal. As they prepared an assault on the rival gang's headquarters he couldn't help but wonder who the real loser was. He might have killed his enemy but he had lost his oreo packet in the process.

This short story was brought to you by a drunk MrAakash. Please ignore grammatical errors and other stuff like that. University is so much fun.

Italics are things I've added post drunk state. I will not include gramatical corrections into this category.
Last edited by Text; Oct 9, 2012 at 09:57 AM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Drunk Aakash, author of "The Oreo Tribulations"
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.