Originally Posted by Cyber
Your opinions about shovelling and do you t hink it's a fair move to do or not?

Most players prefer to annoy everyone about shoveling instead of think about a counter

I got nothing against shovel. If the new guys doesn't know how to play yet, it's understandable
If a 10th dan is shovelling it will just be a shame to his name. Nothing more, nothing less


Originally Posted by Kamura
Woah, Hugo has a .gif avvy.
Are GIFs allowed in normal accounts now?

Originally Posted by CyberSubZero23 View Post
Your opinions about shovelling and do you t hink it's a fair move to do or not?

It's an unfair move it hurts my feelings.
Shovelling is just silly and kinda rude.
/| Full time Mage |\ /| Anime United |\ /| If you know the true meaning of Stonehenge, please PM me |\

I hate when people say you should learn a counter to it.
I tell them they should learn a different move .
Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Yeah, they are allowed.

really? i tried it when i see this post and this was came out
You may not upload animated images.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
Doesn't everything hurt your feelings, Hero?

There are a few exceptions. One of them being CAKES.

Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
really? i tried it when i see this post and this was came out
You may not upload animated images.

Try doing it with your pants off.
Originally Posted by ninja684 View Post
I hate when people say you should learn a counter to it.
I tell them they should learn a different move .

Then it will be your nightmare forever
counter it son

Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Try doing it with your pants off.

While you dance Macarena
Well for me it's a pain in the butt, there's this one time, a 2nd dan shovelled, and he won, then we fouht again, I kicked, dismembered his leg I won, then he said it was shovelling.

Also, I did not know GIFs are now allowed.
"Isolate and Devour"
I know a counter to it Hugo, it is easy.
It just annoys me that they act all tough after they do it.