Original Post
[S] selling 497k toricredits
Selling 497k toricredits + full hunter set (w\o hairs) for 48 usd... we can have deal ONLY if you wanna buy all this for 48 usd!... only if you wanna buy all... if you interested i think you can pm me...
its too much for full hunter. forum price - around 90k. if u accept, i can collect 10k and buy ur hunter. or i can offer 60k + full amber w/o hair. also ur hunter with hair?
read 1st post plz... its without hair... okay i think we got deal if you offer 80k + full amber or just 90k for my hunter set...
thank you but i dont need it if you offer... and wtf you doing here with posting this links! go away... Also i think my offer its better then his...