Christmas Lottery
One thing I cannot understand:


She said she was all alone.
I'm not sure but are all kids there in America so fucking high on status that they wont help a girl in trouble?
They even fucking abused her situation to get sex?!

I don't know about you guys but what the fuck, when I was a little kid and saw others bully someone, or even when I saw someone being unhappy I would HELP him or her.
No matter the skin colour or fucking looks of someone.

Seriously, when you see someone sitting all alone, no one talking to her and EVERYONE bullying how the fuck can you go with that stream?
I'm not sure because I don't live in America but is every school like that?

I'm pissed off and I hope Anonymous gets the bullies good, for my part bully them so much that they commit suicide, only to stop them and make them feel guilty.
Every single one that even said ONE nasty thing should get that destiny.
If this is what they can add to society, we don't need them so we might as well lose them.

I'm stunned and shocked.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Thank you alphasonik. Exactly my perspective on this whole situation, I'm glad someone else sees it like that too.
I have watched the video and feel very moved. Some people are just bitchs!!!!
I am always watching....... Pedo :P :bananalama:
Originally Posted by WatchDog View Post
I have watched the video and feel very moved. Some people are just bitchs!!!!

It seems people are still missing the back story. Weather or not she had help, the things SHE did brought her to the choice of suicide had she not done those actions she would still be alive and this thread would not exsist or it would but not with her name.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I'm not sure but are all kids there in America so fucking high on status that they wont help a girl in trouble?

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
are all kids there in America so fucking high on status

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
there in America

Amanda Todd is Canadian, get your facts straight. As an American, I can tell you that bullying isn't prominent where I live and when we see a bully HE is the outcast trying to get attention. We aren't afraid to stand up to bullies, after all it's one against a community.

But thanks for stereotyping all Americans as assholes.

On a related note:
Is this really considered bullying? Are we supposed to be nice to somebody that slept with a 13 year old boy, while he was in a relationship, somebody who put on shows for multiple males on the Internet for attention?
I say no.

What ever happened to treat others the way you want to be treated? Not only was she treating herself like shit, she was a bully herself, and when people started bullying her she couldn't take it.

My friend's brother was constantly bullied for being gay, and he had done nothing wrong. He is still alive today and happy.

I feel no remorse for Amanda Todd. She was weak and mean.
I bet you guys didn't know she used to bully people around and shit, well way I was told she did.
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