Art, I don't have viruses, never been on those sites on my PC anyway.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
dammit, hushpuppie stole the 1800 post, i was waiting for that spot, also
when the hell are we going to that art event??!?!?!
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
dammit, hushpuppie stole the 1800 post, i was waiting for that spot

I'm here to ruin everything that you get excited for
Hey it has been long time since we ever played together.
Hello new members, I was surprise to see myself out of clan.
I Love Art, Cause without it EARTH will just be EH :)
oh yis it was that thingy where they wiped out clans or something.

i like your sig btw c:
Like a lie
Hello Sage, thank you.
I'm surprised to see a lot of new members
@May-|} Guys where are you? I miss you guys
@ J0y-|
I Love Art, Cause without it EARTH will just be EH :)
Originally Posted by music
I'm surprised to see a lot of new members

which ones exactly?
i don't think NAO recruited anyone lately...
Like a lie
Well, hi there, torimusic.
We haven't been recruiting that much lately...
There are some new members, though.

Anyways, I'm pretty much the only one who's kinda active now(from the ones torimusic mentioned).
J0Y's very inactive... I don't remember the reason of him being like that, though.
May's having some life atm, so she/he's quite inactive too. Like, haven't seen mei since last... wednessday or something?
Anyways, you can find me in #nao chat room. It's pretty much the place where most of us hang out.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Sorry if I hardly ever go on the the IRC, I'm a forum lurker a bit more than an IRC lurker.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Urgh. Why are we so inactive today?
Having a test tomorrow... Fucking tests..... why do they occur so often?! x(
Also, I made a new account and set up some broadcasting software.
Now the shitty head creaton process can recorded live ;o
liek awsum.
also, what do we do with this ornit guy?
His application seems to be kinda almost decent... though, there are enough sad stuff too. Thus, I stay neutral.
Just go ahead and comment on his application, etc.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc