Originally Posted by Solax
If one person was bribed and said yes on an otherwise unlikely candidate
They'd also be fired into the depths of oblivion.
Pretty much what emo said, our voting system is in place to ensure dumb shit like bribery doesn't happen.
Originally Posted by Solax
If anything seemed suspicious it's super easy for an admin to jump in and check everything out.
Yeah, this pretty much applies. If there's any kind of anomaly it's easily picked up on.
I mean, ofcrouse you do get the odd bribe offer, but what usually happens is word spreads around the gm team and we all have a good chuckle.
If we're talking about the gm's only, we're probably the most democratic of all positions.
And we all have our own feelers out in pretty much the whole of the community so there's rarely a "worthy" applicant that we don't know about.
Last edited by Erth; Oct 28, 2012 at 06:19 PM.