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Decap DQ
wEll what if in single player and multiplayer u do a decap and u automaticlly win !! That would be nice then people don't rage saying '' OMG I DID A DECAP AND LOST '' im getting annoyed

Thanks for your time.. F4R3*h eadbang*
Such a feature as a toggled option wouldn't be bad. I can understand some people see not winning after a decap as disappointing/unrealistic...
Originally Posted by Zireael07 View Post
Such a feature as a toggled option wouldn't be bad. I can understand some people see not winning after a decap as disappointing/unrealistic...

yes it is if you lose your head your body shouldnt work correctly as it gets its orders from the brain
same with dismembered limbs a severed leg shouldnt be allowed to be extended, contracted ect.
this could be cheating,you know.people can judo decap and then it won't give you a chance for you to win.this should only be a single player script.
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
this could be cheating,you know.people can judo decap and then it won't give you a chance for you to win.this should only be a single player script.

or maybe not toggle it in a judo room?
If you think this is going to be abused in duels or bet servers, check the fucking game rules before. It's really not that hard.

Would be cool to have this feature added (as something optional). Perhaps you could create a variation where you would only win if you decapped the other tori. Would certainly make some mods more intense.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
as was said earlier it would mess current replays and such up but the idea of a toggle option again as said would be abused and people would probably just farm that way... if i could rate this idea id give it a rough 2-3/10