View Poll Results: Who ist the best GameKeeper?
28 Votes / 32.56%
19 Votes / 22.09%
8 Votes / 9.30%
1 Votes / 1.16%
13 Votes / 15.12%
2 Votes / 2.33%
15 Votes / 17.44%
Voters: 86. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
the only reason you want it here is because you got nabs to vote for you. If you wouldn't have had any votes, you would have cried to mama.

You can't just assume everyone who voted for him doesn't know what they're talking about.

Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
You think this actually helps you getting GK? This thread, as well as any other popularitycontests, are shitbarns.

Nope. What if someone "upstairs" sees this, and as a result, decides to and look into culapou some more? They'll find out he's serious about wanting to be a GK and hosts damn good tourneys.

Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
Also, I've seen you in-game and you've always been an idiot, at least when I'm around. Also on the forums.

I've seen him in game, and he doesn't go too far when he's having fun. At the last tourney of his I participated in, he was sorting out troublemakers and helping players get their spots back when they got disconnected and whatnot.
Last edited by Guv_na; Aug 13, 2008 at 04:45 AM.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

drummer.. ive never seen you ingame(maybe on of my tourneys) or recall talking to you, now allow me to be so up in your face as KAYTHANXBAI.
@Dalir, i remember seeing you ingame 1time, and you came and started all this fighting.
And lastly the faming in this thread is useless, ive noticed the praising has come from the people whove been to my tourneys and know me, and the flaming has come from people whove never been to my tourneys and hardly talk with me. Stop flaming, just state your opinion.
the god
Originally Posted by The_guv_na View Post
Nope. What if someone "upstairs" sees this, and as a result, decides to and look into culapou some more? They'll find out he's serious about wanting to be a GK and hosts damn good tourneys.

We have seen things like this upstairs, and it doesnt really matter. We usually look at people who are generally mature and can handle people. We also want someone who won't abuse power.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Well, i know that wasn't directed to me but here it goes :P. As guvna said i did handle people well in all my tourneys, and i am currently handeling the big tournament well from what i can see. Also my desire isn't to have powers, the reason i would want to be a GK is to host tourneys, plus GK's don't have much power from what i see except ingame admin. Also if you were really considering me, the best way would to actually come to one of my tourneys, and my next one would be a while considering i need to make my own money, and i am holding the long one right now.
the god
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
I voted culapou because he is very mature and upbeat on the forums and from what I'm hearing, is good at hosting tourneys and would be able to solve any problem he would face in a server. @Dalir, this isn't just popularity, it's helping a good member of the community. Please stop trolling the forums looking for a fight and actually contribute something useful.
Some people kick ass. I think a kick in the balls works is more effective. If you have AHDH or ADD, Click here! Proud eater of breakfast! Visit my shop! Support Decoleman!
This is a popularity contest.

The same applies to the "official" GK thread by Shogan. That one only mattered the slightest.

I can say for sure that apart from boosting certain people's ego, this one will have no effect whatsoever.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Well, i know that wasn't directed to me but here it goes :P. As guvna said i did handle people well in all my tourneys, and i am currently handeling the big tournament well from what i can see. Also my desire isn't to have powers, the reason i would want to be a GK is to host tourneys, plus GK's don't have much power from what i see except ingame admin. Also if you were really considering me, the best way would to actually come to one of my tourneys, and my next one would be a while considering i need to make my own money, and i am holding the long one right now.

I'm sorry, but do you actually believe praising yourself makes you look better?
To respond to one of your previous posts, the first time I saw you in-game, I told you that spamming shovels against noobs and then boasting about the resulting streak was gay. You were the one who got worked up. Mature enough to be trusted with power? No. And whether or not we've been to your 'glorious tournaments', we can make a pretty fair opinion off your posts on the forums. Okey, grats, you have enough money irl to buy boosters, you deserve a medal.
Last edited by dalir; Aug 14, 2008 at 01:15 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
I actually have never spent a cent on this game, and
"And whether or not we've been to your 'glorious tournaments', we can make a pretty fair opinion off your posts on the forums"
Actually i'm sure posts on the forums reflect nothing of my tourneys, if i were you, i would believe the people who have actually gone to my tournaments and experienced them, to know more about them then someone who has a grudge on me and sees posts on a forum.
"the first time I saw you in-game(and only time), I told you that spamming shovels against noobs and then boasting about the resulting streak was gay" You may of said this, i don't remember but, I never boasted, i do remember someone else came in the server and said "oh my, a Many streak"
And back to your statement, that seeing posts not related to holding a tournament is better proof than being to a tournament on judging the holder, all of these people went to my tournaments and enjoyed them/Want me for GK
And thats only the people who put in their sig, or said it at one point or another

Now if you want to keep arguing, do so.
Im getting a bit tired of it

This didn't fit quite anywhere so how 'bout now.
Mature enough to be trusted with power? No.
That was months and months back, i may not of been mature enough back then.
Last edited by TheGod; Aug 14, 2008 at 02:32 AM.
the god