Secret Santa 2024
Will now all the PMīs I have sent had no answer, except for Aerox who said no...And WorldEater, who joined <3
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
Lol, I have sent like...7 Pm's...out of that only 1 joined...level of success...bad
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
In that case it's bad, yes... but you got us one more member, so I should rank you up!
Paint me like your french girls
Yeah, Congratulations Boing. You are now Shroud Knotz :o
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by raihan12 View Post
Yeah, Congratulations Boing. You are now Shroud Knotz :o

He's going to be a co-leader when I get my permission to do that!
Paint me like your french girls