Christmas Lottery
Original Post

Dont want to be in a judo clan?

Clan [Phail] will be for jousting, rampfight, dominoes, or any other random mods that are fun. there is no "test" needed to join, you just have to have a belt higher than green grade.


Many years ago the ancient art of phailing was lost... soon the art had become a legend passed down by generation by generation, each one modifying the art to make it seem more interesting until there was not one bit of truth to the art at all. Until one fateful day...

I phailed, You phailed, 3 more others phailed, a phail bomb phailed, then you did a barrel roll!

(I got bored and ran out of ideas)

Goal: To have weekly competitions at various fun mods.

(now recruiting members!)


Ld: Diealready
Co Ld: [Open]

Members: [3 left ]




Please join!
Last edited by Diealready; Aug 16, 2008 at 06:49 AM.
I like the word phail.

I would support this clan if you come up with the complete requirements finished.
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
I have the story finished (well its really short)

Im getting my paypal account tomorrow so Ill be able to get 20k for a room.

and we do need more members =/