Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by BoingBoing View Post
If it's possible, I would like to be in that room as I need to improve my skills a bit :3

So when is it gonna be? I could be online tomorrow!

Oh and Boing, about your sigi, it says: "Taylor Gang"
Isn't Taylor Gang Wiz Khalifa? I was just wondering.
Master of the arcane arts
Taylor gang is the fan base of the Taylor gang crew. These include Wiz khalifa, Chevy Woods, and others.
So yeah, quite cool :3
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
Age:16 years
Belt : 2Dan black
Country/GMT:Lithuania, +2 GMT
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum):~1.5 years
Forum Activity (From 1-10):9
In-Game Activity (From 1-10):8
Previous Clans:Gods, Fake, Pure, Radius,...
Why did you leave/get kicked?:Thouse clans was inactive in forum and game.
Special Skills?: I can speak in english, and russian, so I can easy translate.I am pro at photoshop cs5 , so I am making textures , and selling them.(avatars, body textures, banners...)
Any infractions/bans?:I was banned once, nothing special becouse phiser tryed to steal my acc.

I hope I can join your clan, becouse I am searching for realy active clan, and I think I can help you

P.S Example of my work Click
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.
Well that great spelling and grammar should make it obvious.

And last I remember he sucked @ art. Although he may have improved
Made by Fenris

Lets try it. What'dya guys wanna see? I want to make a replay where the kick decaps uke, and then sends his head into his chest andbreaks his chest open :3

Lets try it. What'dya guys wanna see? I want to make a replay where the kick decaps uke, and then sends his head into his chest andbreaks his chest open :3
Last edited by Zoro; Dec 5, 2012 at 11:39 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
belt: 3rd dan black belt
how long have you been playing tb?:~2years i have some other alts
in-game activity :10
forum activity:5
previous clans:Rave
why did you leave/ kicked?:rave died
favourite mods:tk,judo,aikido,abd,runkido,wushu,lenshu
infractions:2 (1x useless post,1x ignoring rules)
I've bean so cought up in marketing i forgot to check clan thread my bad
Anyway idk what to say about the application. None convinced me to say YES. Anyway just hang around get to know us, etc etc. This is my oppinin for now.

And zoro good luck with that. It would be cool.
Pm me for deals
No to everyone. I wanna see some quality, hard working apps

Edit: ninja'd. Sin it's cool to see you around here, but I'd like to see you some in IRC too ;)
Last edited by Zoro; Dec 5, 2012 at 10:56 PM.
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.