Secret Santa 2024
Because first of all, it had massive shading and second of all, shading your arm inside your groin isn't very clever when self-damage is on.
Welcome back Pusga.

Manip was great for me, looked fast and the first hit was awesome, very stylish though.
The punch was awesome too, really fast and destructive.
The transition to the next hit was good but seems liek your knee was pretty stiff in the mid air.
The third hit was really great, clean and destructive.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
There's the pusga I love

Manip was great First hit destructive the transition to the second hit was ok as 17april said your knee was stiff in mid air

Last hit was fantastic smooth and destructive

I missed you. make more replays like this o 3 o
pusga is mad.
manip was a good transition to the first boom.
the punch was really great, pretty fast and destructive.
last thing was fantastic as noroma said, pretty smooth and destructive.
pose was good as it was the last 50 frames.

*i don't care about the other things.
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Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Impressive but too long manip,

rofle, that's the first time I hear something like that I don't know if I should feel good or bad about that
Manip was fuckin awesome, no joke. Even it looked a bit stiff in some parts.
Boom were extremely amazing, destructive as hell.
And that skeet was amazing too.

Like Chammy said, after some time, i got bored of the manip.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."