Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
no tc's anymore?
is it meant to be that theres no tc for wins anymore?
this is even better than that 10tc/win a day thing for 500k posts,
which never happened. whats up?

Day Ingame Earnings Games Won
16-08-2008 0 7
:■ :♥ :ß :¹ :↓ :► :· :°
If you get irc which i highly recommend you get it
tutorial found here:

The topic is set as "10TC weekend on static(public) servers. Private rooms TC have been disabled due to farm bots."

so right now if you want tc i suggest playing in the servers at the beginning of the server list
is there a official blackbelt server? i hope so, thanks.
and no, i wont go on irc again. was there once, didnt enjoy it.
was accused of never been using a atari 800xl.

edit: um, theres no official servers for blackbelts? this event gets better and better. :P
:■ :♥ :ß :¹ :↓ :► :· :°
yah srsly, which ones are static? it's hard to tell especially since they removed the blackbelt servers. how about a list?
Former Item Forger
okay, i think all servers up to 19 are official,
its the servers that are 'created by:'.
and server 17 is blackbelt aikido, im there right now.
i miss judo too.
:■ :♥ :ß :¹ :↓ :► :· :°