Christmas Lottery
Back to the point about inflation, if someone (I don't know who has the permissions) could post the total amount of TC in Toribash, then we could calculate how much adding 60kk affects inflation (assuming it's at a constant rate currently).

Could be interesting?
Originally Posted by GoodBox View Post
Secondly you'd have to be able to sell around 200USD worth of TC every day (I question if the demand is even this great for Hampa).

This. Getting the TC is one thing, making money out of it is an other.
“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.” - Winston Churchill
Well, when I was Pacman, in 2008 - 2009 Hector used to be a friend on toribash, and me and him worked close by selling tc to each other, to sell on again to other toribashers, thats how we did it. Buy cheap sell high. We bought it at about 21k/$1 then, and sold it for about 18k/$1. Which was pretty good profit. I also used to do the same with GHamilton once Hector left toribash. Anywho, although I may have made a tidy amount over the time I was a toricredit seller, it was not enough to be able to live off! $20 - $30 a day, on a good day, and that was with those rates.
Original Pacman™
I love this thread.
I am an economics major this stuff is right down my ally. The reference volunteering one's time in order to make what is equivalent to 1$ an hour is just wonderful. Behavioral economists do studies which show that people do things that simply seem irrational. For example people would rather do 8 hours of work tomorrow then do 7 hours of work today but would rather do 7 hours of work 30 days from now then do 8 hours of work 31 days from now. Also people seem to be willing to give up profit in order to show or prove that they are offended. These things simply aren't rational.

working to get TC would also seem irrational but I believe it has something to do with having specific credit. Think about it. Many people are more pleased with a 30$ I-tunes gift card as a gift then if they simply recieved 30$. WHAAAAAT!!!
Hold up let me see if I have any fux... Nope NO FUCKS!
Nomechy's guide to surviving toribash