Thorn: ray fucking join like what the fuck are you doing you fucking cunt bitch
Thorn: you little shit
Thorn: fuck your shit bitch
Thorn: eat a dick
Thorn: I'll fucking lynch your shit
oh yeah it'll, I tried re-starting some while ago but I came home broken.
but well, I'll be broken for two months before I can get back to normal, will be hard, but I'm willing to do my best again.
After one month without training, is so hard ... so Iīm guessing after 3 years ahaha
It is good for health ! Sometimes only, because when we got kicked in the ass by our mates or coach ! It isnīt good :b
Actually, at least my classes were more theorical and kata practicing than kumite (fights)
just because maximizing your technique is better than just smashing your oponnent in a dojo.
and I find it kinda beautiful to watch or do.
this was the higher kata I was able to do before stopping, a black belt technique, though I was 2 belts under black.
and this is the one that I find more... awesome let's say
yeah my classes too ! We do more exercises than fighting each other.
I wonder how you guys fight with each other, without protections and all that stuff ... and with that techniques o:
it's pretty like we don't get much contact with the oponent when it's a training fight.
unless it's hard training, then we can touch a bit more, but yet with responsibilities and knowledge