Christmas Lottery
Hey Ice Dragons what do you think. Should we make a clanvideo and post it on youtube with cool music on the background

i am a bird now - Lil B

Also we can host a mayor tourney in whih people have to pay 750 TC to enter and with prizes. Like a tourney for 32 players. The prizes could be:
8k for the first place
3k for second
Items for third place
If this event turns out well. We will earn 13K from it with the prize money already substracted from it
What do you guys think

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by Gazorite View Post
Maybe that good but we must make it global

We can post it in the events forum in this way manny forum users can stay up-to-date about what is happening in the tourney. The money that we earn from it can either be split over all the clan members or we could donate it to the bank so what would you lime to do with the money

i am a bird now - Lil B