Steeeeve! Dafux is happening? Whos da winnar? I want to know!
Co Leader of Hell-Razor
1 page !!!!!!

Our ancestors hid in the shadow, skilled to ambush skilled to kill they
called themselves phantoms each corrupted by evil and chaos
they were mostly Demons, Ghouls, Ghosts,spirits, revanents
and all each were skilled in different styles of fighting,
Judo,Aikido, Wushu,swords all recruited by a brutal test from the leaders
they all praised there one and only Lord, Leader, messiah,
Teacher the king of war and battle
the one named ofPhailure

His most strongest soldiers in war wer

all elite soldiers and good friends of Of phailure
and all each were skilled in different styles of fighting,
some had mastered the art of judo or Aikido others were skilled wushuists with a few were experts in swordplay.

he fearsomely took on hordes of armies, with his soldiers
but one stood in the way smashing each soldier to the ground
but our fearsome leader used hes sacred skills in wushu and
defeated the one who stood alone .ofPhailure had limitless power
and spat in the face of the ones who would get in the way.

he continued to fight with his soldiers brutaly injured

out of nowhere a fighter named komodokid popped out of the ground and
tryed to attack our soldiers.

ofPhailure fearsomely took a kick to his stomache, and punched his head
but Kommodokid fled after getting attacked and sent his fellow soldiers in.

All skilled warriors but still ofPhailure didnt care how strong they were
he jumped into war, all ganging up on him , ofPhailure took a punch and a
kick into all directions deafeating each warrior one by one.

After that the Phantoms hid back in the shadows waiting for antoher war
recruiting worthy soldiers making alliances training ..growing
waiting to kill again ...............

As we all say never play with your shadows or else it will play with you

we all live in the darkness waiting to take over
waiting for you to join us in our epic battle

its my rough copy not done i think maybe ill cut it short at that

oC phantom hides in the back and smokes his weed the end
RDC joins him
and invites his friends
and hustles them for tcs THE END
Last edited by RDC; Aug 27, 2008 at 10:27 AM.
JaCk Is BaCk
2nd story
Our ancestors hid in the shadow, skilled to ambush skilled to kill they
called themselves phantoms each corrupted by evil and chaos
they were mostly Demons, Ghouls, Ghosts,spirits, revanents
and all each were skilled in different styles of fighting,
Judo,Aikido, Wushu,swords all recruited by a brutal test from the leaders
they all praised there one and only Lord, Leader, messiah,
Teacher the king of war and battle
the one named ofPhailure

ofPhailure was a master in war a elite in fighting
but not only he was strong in his clan

but hes friends the strongest warriors of battle faught like savages
teared enemies apart limb from limb

they were mister616

all elite soldiers and good friends of Of phailure
and all each were skilled in different styles of fighting,
some had mastered the art of judo or Aikido others were skilled wushuists with a few were experts in swordplay.

no1 wanted to enter the shadows of phantoms territory or else they would pay
the consequence
DEATH was a factor and living wasnt

ofPhailure and hes men faught of hordes of armies who tried to attack

but a worthless souls was in the was its name was komodokid
he tried to attack but failed

because the phantoms striked with all there skill and power , after that komodo's men came in after but ofPhailure wouldnt give in

but hes loyal men didnt let ofPhailure get hurt

they jumped in and defeated them

after that nobody wanted to enter phantom territory

we hide, we seek, we recruit and we kill
we our out there still hiding in the shadows
feeding on dead spirits in hte shadows

we are making more alliances and recruiting more
this story is more of a warning to you beyond our region

so beware or else we will get you!
JaCk Is BaCk
i wanted to make the story interesting

so hows ppl gonna choose the story
Last edited by RDC; Aug 31, 2008 at 11:35 PM.
JaCk Is BaCk
YAY STORY TIME. Still allowed to post? Well I will.

The was a time before humans rules the earth, when the demons and the ghosts still vandered the suface. When the ghost and the demons died, their sould were fused into on soul know as the phantoms. The phantoms came in many different colours. More or less black. The phantoms then found a source for living, becuase every soul, ghost or demon, knew that the phantoms didn't live forever. They had to go on, into the sky, to a distant univers. With the source of eternal life the phantoms could live on.

Now after a thosands of years, of evolution and revolution, the humans came. They were living demons and living ghost fused together, and they also got more civilized. The phantoms, that had watched this their whole life got scared and now they live in the distant corners in different cities around the globe, hiding to not be seen by human eyes.

Story ended!
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
oooh... Well, it's nice to finally write a short story, haven't been allowed to do that at school in a long time.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home