Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Tex] Angry panda set

Made for a private request and it's full 512x512.
/dl /lp druggedpanda to check it ingame.

C&C is more than welcome!
Last edited by pal; Jan 15, 2013 at 08:05 PM.
The head for some reason looks happy to me. Lol

9.5/10 due to the panda looking more of a cutie pie then a demonic bear

I love it though :3
Doesn't look angry, but it's cool. Very simple and I like that not all of the textures were used. No need for demon/void and pure
give me something to shoot my head...AMAZING..i can say im a fan of bear's...and that Panda ..amazing ..GREAT WORK DUDE;)
up for request
That is adorable!
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
The set looks alright, but can we get a better shot of the head itself?
And from what I can see, the nose could be a tad bigger, the width is fine but it seems like it's just a slit on his face.

7/10, for a 'cute' set.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again