Secret Santa 2024
My name came from the very first madman i made. My orginal name was Nagato9757 but then i got annoyed that people join my server, say 'NAGATO IS DEAD!' And leave. On my Nagato account, i made my first madman and then my irl friend said 'wow dude you kill in trend!' Then I was like 'Kill in trend, hey I can use an alternative of my favourite youtube guy of all time's name (TrendKiLLv01) and name it TrendyKill' thus began my new name Trendykill
No, I don't come from Denmark, I was only 11 when I chose this username (now I'm 16),
When I watched for the first time Fast and Furious Tokio Drift, I remained fascinated by it, and I love it until now therefore the DK of my username means DriftKing and Simo is my real name, Simone
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
I first came up with my user name when I was in middle school, about 4 years ago. I got my username from my last name(Cagle) and from my nickname(Bagle). My nickname is Bagle because Cagle rhymes with bagel and my firstname is Brandon so the C is Cagle can just be replaced with the B in Brandon. I use this username on virtually everything that I use, except youtube because somebody took it.


I have this username because I like burned shit and i had to add something to the end of it because "burned" was taken. (add 10 minutes of pondering random words and, BINGO!)
People HATE when sentences don't end the way they

I've always been interested in bugs or glitches in runescape since I was a little kiddie, and the word 'null' showed up a lot then when I paroozed through bugs and glitches. Because null is similar to the word 'invalid,' I chose that for my username. Except, since games are games and 'invalid' doesn't actually work for a username in most games, I chose to add on another prefix to the word and the name stuck.
Decashine = Tenshi(ne), Tenshi = Angel in Japanese. I'm Atheist, but whatever.
KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it!
I got mine because I looked at my cousins account lushkyleXD

And looked at my old plazma burst 2 account blacksmoke

And I fused them together to make

I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I got mine because I was so good at the game played since 08 so i just created a new account called "master"gabe. LOL I cocky.