Also guys, was skyping with mocro and pika earlier, mocro admitted to being gay.
Also, my voice is manlier than his
Originally Posted by
Gonna kick the alt in about 30 mins :3
Also, some pewdiepie fan kept trying to out-logic me, and we all know what happens when an ignorant turd tries to out-logic Zayex.
1. Saying it appeals to "retarded 12 year old children" is yet again another exaggeration, because most users on YouTube are above 15.
2. Saying he puts "so little effort" into his videos, again if you watch his vlogs you'll find that it's about 3 to 5 hours worth of editting per video, possibly more, and that's twice a day.
3. He's the only YouTuber I know that is so dedicated to his job that would give up around 8 hours of their day making videos on YouTube.
4. The haters are just as immature on Pewdiepie's videos as the bros are on hate videos
5. So you can't say the bros are immature when all the people like you act so childish
6. Naming a video called "PleaseDiePie" is an excellent example of this childishness.
First of all, you seem completely ignorant and biased.
2. Animated youtube shows take 3 times that amount to make. In fact, one of my videos actually took me 9 hours. (actually 18, if you count day 2). And youtube indie movies, shows, comedies, and parodies all take way more than some hours to make.
3. Go explore youtube some more, then come back when you're not full of personally biased ignorance. And also, his "job" of screaming like an autistic into the microphone while playing videogames we've/he's seen/played a thousand times before should not be making him more money, than, let's let's say OneyNG, who actually uses effort to make his clever videos. Wanna know why pewdiepie makes more money than OneyNG? Because he has amassed the biggest, most immature fanbase since justin bieber, who are into his screaming and other childish videos more than they are into a clever parody. In fact, I know some kids who are pewdiepie fans, they laugh hysterically at how he always makes rape jokes. Then one day I showed them OneyNG's videos, they didn't find them funny. And for more proof that mature people don't find pewdiepie's videos funny, search "Adults react to pewdiepie" on youtube.
4. Every hate video I've seen combined is nothing compared to the death threats and extreme childish vulgarity the "bro army" unleashes on almost every video they find harmful to pewdiepie. They're like christian fanatics, only instead of god, it's pewdiepie they praise. And also, there are many more flaming raging bros than pewdiepie hate videos, and if you compare statistics, it doesn't take a mathematician to figure out raging bros outnumber hate videos.
5. People like me? Since when have I posted a hate video? All I said was that pewdiepie is making money he shouldn't be making. Also, flipping out trying to defend your lord and savior pewdiepie is more immature than saying "I don't like him". Once again, you show your bias.
6. Actually, that video was one of the most cleverly written and well thought out satires I've ever seen. And it wasn't just directed towards pewdiepie, it was also directed towards tobuscus, and a few other similar youtubers. I'm just gonna assume you haven't even watched it.
7. I'm going to assume you're a pewdiepie fan, and probably haven't even read any of this because you don't want my intellect to "challenge your religion".
8. And kid, my intellectual capacity is blatantly far superior to your incapable plebeian peon mind, so don't even try to 1up me, or think for a second you know more about logic than me.
Now hopefully all of this sank in, if not, and you still argue about some completely stupid thing, it will most likely mean you didn't understand and are retarded. I hope you can at least understand where your argument went wrong. Sure, your argument isn't necessarily bad, but you just assumed too much, used too many uncited statements, made up ignorant lies, and then lumped satire in with hate videos. Maybe try again after you've given your point more thought.
Good day.
Also, his reply:
You may want to reconsider how you used Christians as a simile to downgrade something, because it just so happens I'm a Christian and stereotyping an entire religion like that doesn't put up a very persuasive argument, in fact it downgrades you more. When you said "Challenge your religion", who exactly were you quoting? Was it even a quote from anybody or did you just make that up on the spot?
Comparing animating time to editing time isn't exactly proving your point. They are different genres - it's like saying baking bread takes longer than baking a pizza, although they're both of good quality. And to be honest, 9 hours worth of animating isn't that much compared to the good animations that take up to 6 months to make a 10 minute cartoon.
So, after insulting my beliefs, myself, and someone I admire it is clear that closed minded unreasonable hypocrites such as yourself aren't worth my time. Clearly you are arrogant as you constantly repeat yourself and claim it to be "logical", whereas even a broken record would be more logical than you. So before you post hate comments think of reasons as to why you are doing it, and if they're as bad as the exuces you came up with here then don't even bother. You may also want to rethink your debating strategies, as insults and racism aren't at all effective.
Good night and good bye.
I actually did post very valid reasons, I assume you're just mentally deficient, and my point sailed over your ignorant head.
Also, when I said "challenge your religion" I was talking about your love for pewdiepie.
Lastly, I destroyed your argument, don't even reply unless you have something worthwhile to say.
Last edited by Zayex; Jan 19, 2013 at 06:20 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump