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dide you ever do this?
isnt it true that whenever you restart the computer, you go to the fridge, take a look at some food, and then go up, hopping that its in the login part allready?

or when ever you take a sandwich and decide to use it wisely with a pickle, and then the pickle tasts good that you allmost finish it, then sudendly you remmber the deal, so you eat the sandwich as fast as you can, and then feel good fore doing the deal.

now thats some thing true, lets say you are in the TV-room and then you want someting frome youre room, then without knowing by accidnt you went to the kitchen, standing there like "wtf?" and not knowing what you wanted, then you go back to youre place and wonder, what was this thing wich im looking fore, sudendly you remmber its in youre room, bye accident you go to the kitchen...

type more by youre self
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I have done the third thing Haha went up stairs and jsut started watching tv instead of getting what i wanted then i go back down stairs then im like DOH hehe.
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
...Er k. I think I get the idea.

Sometimes I go to get like a drink or something while waiting on something but then I cant remember what I was going to get so Im standing in the kitchen, spaced out like "l:U...." Until some random sound snaps me out of it.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
...Er k. I think I get the idea.

Sometimes I go to get like a drink or something while waiting on something but then I cant remember what I was going to get so Im standing in the kitchen, spaced out like "l:U...." Until some random sound snaps me out of it.

roflmao I am glad i am not alone on that one =P

*goes upstairs and stands their doing nothing*
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
woot, i just felt a new thing.

when ever youre talking alote with youre friend, and then you want to say something cool, but he wont shut up, so you tell him: wait idiot, i got something cool i just forgot!.
then its like ruining the whole thing, and he just keeps talking, and then you spend the whole time thinking:"oh shit, it was something so cool, i forgot it, and i feel bad now" and then you find out what was it, but it was something like:"a girl is walking, and then falling downstairs" you are thinking its not it, and you friend looks at you like:"OMG U SUCK"
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omg i did that earlier, i read a thread and thought of sumthing aboslutely awesome to say but i forgot it as i was reading the last post...
Shas'O ready to take command!
Go on, be nice =)
and because you forgot it, you dont want to talk anymore, but you have bad feeling.

sometimes you do remmber it, but then you think:"shit, was i realy thinking about this toilet duck?!?!"
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