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Not only is the universe infinite, nerds have reported that the universe is expanding, and the rate our universe expands is accelerating. While I'm skeptical that anyone has seen an 'alien' or that one has visited earth, I believe there's some form of life in the universe. To think we're all alone is as ridiculous as thinking the earth is flat, or the sun revolves around the earth.
Last edited by alert242; Feb 1, 2013 at 11:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I.Have.No.Idea. One thing is for sure(I don't believe in big bang and I don't want to do a opinion debate about big bang, but except that, I believe in science), if an alien invasion happens, robots will come, just like we send ours to search the final frontier.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Read that same cracked article this morning, ynvaser I love that site.
Anyways, turns out the universe is finite.
There are definite edges, persay. However, accoring to some thoeries, those edges are just "our" universey massive place, and there are more. Space itself is infinite, for sure. which is a neat concept. However, the amount of crap in space is limited by the creation of said mass. Therefore, by calculating exactly how much of what was created in the big bang (And i remember reading something about that happening), we can estimate how much matter is in space, and therefore how far out this "big bang's" effects have reached, and therefore define our area.

Also, in that cracked article, it mentioned the theories of the gravity well that pulls everything closer. My personal theory is a supermassive black hole, but really we have no farking clue.

Gg's, universe.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Originally Posted by alert242 View Post
Not only is the universe infinite, nerds have reported that the universe is expanding,

I thought it was pretty obvious that if something is infinite in size it's that it's constantly expanding.

I've heard before in many places and videos that it's finite, just very big, but I also see people saying the opposite aaaaaaaa whats going on
I read a Stephen Hawking book on the topic a few years ago, and he said that at the moment of the Big Bang* the matter and energy wasn't just spread out across the universe, but space and time itself was created at that moment. So you can't go "outside" the universe, since space and time in our understanding only exist inside the barriers of the universe (The universe folds into itself. Just like you can't go "outside" the Earth by just walking on the surface, you couldn't leave the universe by traveling in space only.)
That dark rift thing could be a great leap for science. If the readings are right, then we might have found something that exists outside our universe! They say it could be another universe, but it could be god's pooping chair for all we know.
Even if it's nothing that "new", then we have found the biggest black hole ever discovered.

*(It wasn't an explosion, but a rapid expansion of a singular point, where all matter and energy found today in the universe was concentrated.)

Originally Posted by torikill10 View Post
(I don't believe in big bang and I don't want to do a opinion debate about big bang, but except that, I believe in science)

Originally Posted by Neil deGrasse Tyson
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it."

Of course, the Big Bang theory is a theory because it's not confirmed. But according to the evidence we have found so far (Hubble's Law), it's most likely the case.
Last edited by ynvaser; Feb 2, 2013 at 03:55 PM.
I also believe that there is SOMETHING out there. I wonder how it looks like =D
"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"[Death Plague] "Light the fuses, BITCHES!"
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
I read a Stephen Hawking book on the topic a few years ago, and he said that at the moment of the Big Bang* the matter and energy wasn't just spread out across the universe, but space and time itself was created at that moment. So you can't go "outside" the universe, since space and time in our understanding only exist inside the barriers of the universe (The universe folds into itself. Just like you can't go "outside" the Earth by just walking on the surface, you couldn't leave the universe by traveling in space only.)
That dark rift thing could be a great leap for science. If the readings are right, then we might have found something that exists outside our universe! They say it could be another universe, but it could be god's pooping chair for all we know.
Even if it's nothing that "new", then we have found the biggest black hole ever discovered.

*(It wasn't an explosion, but a rapid expansion of a singular point, where all matter and energy found today in the universe was concentrated.)

Of course, the Big Bang theory is a theory because it's not confirmed. But according to the evidence we have found so far (Hubble's Law), it's most likely the case.

If we cannot get out of our universe by traveling on space, how? How will the mankind break the barriers of time and space? Will this pursuit for knowledge destroy us by revealing a massive black hole? Or it's a alternative dimension, where there are alter-us? Where Haiti is the strongest nation? I think only time will show this. And I hope I die before this happens.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Don't mistake Galaxy for Universe. Also, I doubt that we'd ever break away from this universe (why would we). Since the laws of physics only apply inside our spacetime, going outside would probably destroy anything (spaceships, humans, particles).
A normal human being can only travel on the 3 axises of space, and we can only go in one direction in time. If you'd like to go "outside" the universe, you'd have to move in a 4th axis, just like you have to move up to leave the Earth's surface.

Also, what? You are speaking like a narrator from some lame science fiction movie.