Originally Posted by Hush View Post
2 years? you mean splitpony was an alt? you were in THIS clan not a year ago

it's 2 years now because we're in 2013.
I was in this clan near the end of 2011.
Leader of nothing
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
yes... ok.
fine, I'll agree with you. I still sense a hate for me though.

we all hate you flux, thats what makes you special :3

Jk we love you flux.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
I try to be active along with my more important daily stuff.

But we should probably have an actual discussion in this thread. Instead of complaining and being wistful of the "good days", let's figure out the problem and improve.
well just wan't to see my favorite clan become active again.

let's put the past behind us and rebuild this place.
Leader of nothing
Idk he said hed be inactive for the most of this month
Which is never good
I leave you to get post 1k
oh thank you and I'll even add a little something special. you're going to have to wait a bit for it, while it loads.

Leader of nothing