Originally Posted by
as i know
loong time ago when adam and eve(hawaحوا)they was soo big! his feet was 20m long!
and in nooh(noo7نوح)time they lived more than 900 years!
and my grandfather and grandmother lived longer than my father
every time has is own living time
maybe after 200 years they will get old at 50-60 or less!
but how long we will live until the judgement day comes thats unknowable
Right, your entire argument is based on religion. According to what you said the bigger your feet are, the longer you live. If that were so, why is it that today some people with size 12 feet are outlived by people with size 5 feet? Not to mention if someone had 20m long feet, they would have to be something like 100m tall. If you try to say that they were normal sized but had giant feet, I'll laugh at you. Any 2m person with 20m feet, wouldn't even be able to move, unless their feet were toothpicks.
You claim your grandparents outlived your parents. Your grandparents would have been born in a time when their wasn't as much pollution in the air, and people made healthier choices then they do today. Let's also assume that your father was born in the 60's-70's. That was the unhealthiest age of human history besides the 21st century. I wouldn't be surprised if your grandparents were still alive today. As for saying that that's not true, my own grandparents are alive, and they're more active then my dad.
Not every time has it's own age limit. There are things called evolution, and mathematical impossibilities. Once humans begin to evolve, they can't simply de-evolve. After a point has been reached, there is no going back, unless there are extreme circumstances. In the case of people, there is little chance that any one could live beyond around 130 years. That's assuming that they've reached the end of their evolutionary cycle, and they haven't made a single unhealthy choice in their life, and they're fit. At a certain point your body becomes unable to form as many new cells. Your body detoriates after a certain point of time, making life inhabitable. Not to mention no matter what you do, there will always be that time when all the moisture drains out of your body slowly, and inevitably. Even if you could survive that, you'd become a wrinkled shell, your muscles will deteriorate becoming weaker and weaker over time, until they are incapable of performing the slightest movement. That my young padawan is something called "The Ravages of Time".
No person could escape that through normal means, and until scientists solve cold fusion, and figure out how to merge our consciousnesses into android bodies, this whole living forever problem will be impossible.