Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S] $20 PSN Cards
PSN Card Store
Have you ever wanted to buy something on the playstation store, but not had the money to get a pre-paid card?
Fear no more, for a limited time only, get yourself a $20 PSN Card with TC.

How this goes down
First off, the rate for one card is 180k.
No Haggling about the overall price.
Only thing you can do is offer me items/items+TC that total up to 180k.

No complaining about prices.
TC/Items Deals Only.

1. PM Me.
2. After a deal has been reached, you send first.
3. When I have recieved the TC/Items, I will send you your PIN.
4. The material card will be destroyed using hydro nuclear acid.

PM Me for your PSN Card.