Original Post
[Pwr]Power Recruitment Thread

Black Belt
Forum Active
No history of "clan hopping"
Get along well with others

Copy and paste this application then fill it out.

First name:

Two Sentences About Yourself:

Special Skills(Texture making, vid making, replay making, etc.):

How did you find out about [Pwr]?:

Why you want to join:

In-game activity (1-10):

Forum activity (1-10):

Mods you usually play:

Two Single-Player Replays:

Two Multi-player Replys

Thanks for applying! Your application will be read in a matter of hours so feel free to check back in a few. Please be patient as we discuss your future in [Pwr]
Last edited by Pwr; Dec 18, 2013 at 12:39 AM.
First name:Tyler
Location/GMT: Usa

Two Sentences About Yourself: I like baseball and listening to music.
and im a no life so im on toribash almost all day.

Special Skills(Texture making, vid making, replay making, etc.): I started making heads but im not "good" im not even "bad" im more like...athlete foot

How did you find out about [Pwr]?:Seen in-game

Why you want to join:Seems cool,

In-game activity (1-10):7

Forum activity (1-10) 3

Mods you usually play:Aikidobigdojo,Mushu

Also i know im not belt req but i will be soo like 100games...and im 2nd dan on the account that used to be my main
Hey Pwr, nice clan!

Mind if I hang out here and make this clan more active?
Master of the arcane arts