Original Post
[S] PSN Gift Code
I'm buying anything you have to offer me.
Within my QI Limit.
No qi if possible
Paying for this with the PSN Code if interested.
Also , seeing as it's not USD and the set amount i can give atm is 20psn which is like $20 , try to offer items that match said amount.

Price you need to cough up for this beauty in TC/Items is
No Haggling,since this code is only redeemable via PSN i won't try to make the full 200k from it,So i'd say 180k is fair enough.
If you want it buy it.
You can also contact me on psn. PSN iD: Zarie840

You send First.
If you're sending TC PM me or write it here.
Same goes for items but i'm not really interested in anything atm except a No qi pure force , but that may cost more than 200k i'm not entirely sure.
Please list all offers in this thread or via pm.
Last edited by Nigma; Feb 16, 2013 at 08:11 PM.
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