HE READS CREEPYPASTAS, PLAYS BETTER THAN PEWDS (Proven in the game "Bloody Trapland", they do a coop on portal too, and Cry(thats his name) always gives the PROPER solutions), SOLVES PUZZLES MORE QUICKLY THAN PEWDS, HAS A MORE AWESOME LAUGH, ANIMATIONSSSSSSSS, LIVESTREAM EVERY SATURDAY FROM 11PM TO 7AM WITH SKYPE CHATS WITH FANS!...Although he never shows his face, but that kinda adds to his mysteriousness and awesomeness
I suggest you try watch his stuff, he is so very entertaining xD
R.I.P. Fyre (October 17, 2011-February 27, 2015) It was a great run guys. Miss you already
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid
Y'know, I could take away your posting privileges. And/or delete/edit everything you post. We could go down that road if you wish.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
I really want him to say sorry. i really know and feel he wasnt joking when he was typing. I still feel like crap.
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid
He was joking. I promise you. I would bet $245234233489364293 million dollars he's joking. That's just the way he is.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Originally Posted by joshjoshua View Post
I still dont forgive you it just cant be a joke. now will you please listen to me...

it had pissed me off and it is no joke!!!!

Gosh, you're such a kid...
Originally Posted by joshjoshua View Post

I won't. If you really want to make a fuss here, and have some reasons to be mad, then I'll give you one : Go fuck yourself, little shit.
Originally Posted by joshjoshua View Post
I really want him to say sorry. i really know and feel he wasnt joking when he was typing. I still feel like crap.

Feeling like crap? Give me a reason, a real one, to belive it.

Just for you to know, I'm the one who placed you in this clan, and if you can't really take a joke AS A JOKE, then you might consider leaving it, since we are all jokers here, and you're the little kid who doesn't get it. Now stop this bullshit before I consider kicking you out of the clan as a warning for your foolishness.
Don't. Get. Me. Pissed.

On a side note, if you oversize your text and whine a little more, it will be a kick and a post privilege removal. You better stop it.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥
I miss having the authority to say things like that.
Just out of curiosity, do you go back and change the size of individual words in your posts? I'm sorry but i would just be way too lazy to do anything like that.
I just looked at the rankings of this clan and I remembered I was able to kick people too... until I got kicked by a hacker. lolsht
Anyway, Josh I would hate to disagree, but I guess it IS kinda, immature for you to oversize your text just because he didnt say sorry. I dealt with worse before and the only thing oversized text AND all caps does is annoying people, it doesnt really accomplish anything at all.
That's just a friendly tip, please forgive me if I kinda pissed you off too.
At the state this clan is now, I would say fighting with each other isnt the best way to MAINTAIN it. I mean, we're basically already inactive but fighting makes things worse.
C'mon, lets stop it now and just forget it, I know it's not as easy said than done but try at least...
btw HLM DAMN that was badass for some reason xD
Last edited by kayateya; Feb 18, 2013 at 02:04 PM.
R.I.P. Fyre (October 17, 2011-February 27, 2015) It was a great run guys. Miss you already