I think in 60 years, the world will have been forced to address the issues of global warming and other environmental impacts. The carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere is rapidly growing creating more acidified oceans killing the plant and animal life in the water. These are some of the most pressing matters in the world today, so I expect in the future it will be no better if history repeats itself.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Alright I've come to expect overly technical responses from you, regardless I didn't say that this current generation was the first to experience any of those things my point was since things haven't changed and most likely will not they'll progressively get worse snowball style. Teenagers have always been dumb, now they're just dumber (for the most part), same goes for the other statements I said everything has always been the same, everything is also just getting worse. Yes the internet did change things I forgot to mention the almighty net, but still I stand by my statement. I wasn't dumb when I was a teen but that has no place in this argument, and I didn't reference myself anywhere in this argument let alone make a statement so conceited. Between now and 60 years from now I don't see more than one maybe two things happening on par with space flight, neurosurgery or the internet.

Actually, as a race, our IQ increases on an average of 3 points per decade. When IQ testing was first introduced, they scored 70. That's Forrest Gump style stupid. Before you post in a discussion, try researching your opinion first - find out if it's backed by actual facts.

As for the rest of your post, it's just based on ignorance, too. You obviously aren't a techy guy, else you'd know that there's heaps of really cool stuff on the horizon. Huge advancements in nanotechnology, virtual reality... All sorts of really cool, really life-changing stuff.
Originally Posted by Turtlenecks View Post
Actually, as a race, our IQ increases on an average of 3 points per decade. When IQ testing was first introduced, they scored 70. That's Forrest Gump style stupid. Before you post in a discussion, try researching your opinion first - find out if it's backed by actual facts.

As for the rest of your post, it's just based on ignorance, too. You obviously aren't a techy guy, else you'd know that there's heaps of really cool stuff on the horizon. Huge advancements in nanotechnology, virtual reality... All sorts of really cool, really life-changing stuff.

This is an opinion based thread so research is near pointless unless you feel that your google searching will allow you a glimpse into the future. About the IQ statement that's good to know I guess? it has absolutely no point in this discussion, but ok. Besides that useless off topic gem, it doesn't matter how high our IQ's climb if people continuously make stupid decisions.

I'm not a technical person because results are the only important factor, none of my statements were based on ignorance because they're all true. The human race is going through the snowball effect has been for decades, and I don't need numbers to prove it. Unless you'd like to argue that too.

Lastly just because nanotechnology doesn't get me excited in my trousers doesn't mean that I'm not a tech head, it just means that you decided to look up something that I didn't. Yes the things you mentioned will change the world eventually, but will not very likely to be affecting the whole world I repeat the whole world not within the next 60 years.
Last edited by AzureMage; Feb 21, 2013 at 05:28 AM.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Yes, this is an opinion based thread AzureMage, but that doesn't mean research isn't needed. If you are going to debate your point, it is necessary. More times than likely you base your opinion based on the facts you know and then argue your point with those facts. Your posts are much appreciated and I do hope you and Turtlenecks continue your argument (healthfully), but to blindly state an opinion with no base, facts, or support is worthless. This is especially true when debating technology and even ethics in some cases.

hanz0 says: This post. Yes. Thank you.
suomynona says: +1, would read again.
Last edited by suomynona; Feb 21, 2013 at 05:48 AM.
"And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Yes the things you mentioned will change the world eventually, but will not very likely to be affecting the whole world I repeat the whole world not within the next 60 years.

The rest of your post isn't really worth mentioning, so I'm just going to respond to this part.

Kurzweill (world-acclaimed inventor and now (as of Dec 2012) the Director of Engineering at Google) has about a 85-90% success rates on all the predictions he's made about future tech over the last 20 years. He's amongst the most educated minds the human race has to offer. This is a smart, smart guy we're talking about. Smarter than you, in fact.

Kurzweil predicts the nanotechnology revolution to occur in the 2020's.

So, even though you did repeat yourself, I think I'm going to trust Kurzweil over you on this one.

Edit: for prediction facts.

Double Edit: For some reason AzureMage PMed me his response instead of posting it here. Since it's relevant to the discussion and has a nice morale message to it, I've posted our exchange below.

unnecessarily wide screenshot

Last edited by Fish; Feb 21, 2013 at 11:41 AM. Reason: put the large image inside the spoiler, stretching the page too much.
I think there will be no-one left in this world in 60 years. I think nuclear wars will wipe us off the face of the earth.
I doubt that the world will be obliterated due to nukes and shit. As soon as 1 country pulls out a nuke and tries to start a war, they will get scrubbed off the face of the earth.

Also, Turtlenecks put that in a spoiler. Damn!
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Regent, if one country fires a nuclear missile, it most certainly has the capacity to destroy a large area of earth, most likely resulting in countries returning fire and blowing up even more of the earth.
Originally Posted by Laxo View Post
Regent, if one country fires a nuclear missile, it most certainly has the capacity to destroy a large area of earth, most likely resulting in countries returning fire and blowing up even more of the earth.

A single nuke won't do much now days, except to non-warmongering countries.

Eg USA and Israel both definitely have this capacity, but the defensive capacity of countries such as the Maldives or Australia is less likely.

Plus the launch will be detected and tracked and could be intercepted by a third party.
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post

A single nuke won't do much now days, except to non-warmongering countries.

Eg USA and Israel both definitely have this capacity, but the defensive capacity of countries such as the Maldives or Australia is less likely.

Plus the launch will be detected and tracked and could be intercepted by a third party.

How could someone intercept a missle? How do they stop it?