Christmas Lottery
cat ears, 70k like you wanted.
I need to get rid of them
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Sup, I'm selling this amazing flame forged by famous SMOD Tinerr. It's a perfect trail, nice speed, and very nice dual colored flame.

Flame: Red/Black
Forged by Tinerr on 2009-08-25for the Right Hand ( 948 )
ignore elf flame.


Only tc

Min offer, 45k

I'm also selling this Absolutely gigantic stable head flame, doesnt flicker, very very hard to forge and most small ones go for this price

My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
I am selling my minecraft account pm if your interested also I say at least 20k because the game cost 26$ but feel free to haggle!
Last edited by Daniel; Feb 23, 2013 at 09:07 AM.
13chillz | Slau | Overlord | Neko| Uncle
How about that weather?