Originally Posted by LagSwitch View Post
Make me leader cus YOLO.

~LagSwitch "The swag queen"

Sound Logic. Lagswitch gets moder-

I'll be reviewing the applicants over the next couple days. It's somewhat close at the moment between 3-4 members.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
I'm not going to app because i know i have no chance, Nyann, Iso, Soap.
Is the head spirit rank open?
/me 's stupid moment.
Last edited by Ninjacam; Feb 27, 2013 at 04:50 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
Nyann was just promoted to Leaders of Ethereal.
In any case, rank 2 spot is open (pending your applications are good enough.)

This ought to answer your question.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
I guess I'll go outside of my generally reclusive outlook on promotions.
If this is accepted put me anywhere. I'm fine with anything I receive.
I'll also stray away from mentioning how long I've been here because I hate when age (how long I've been around not actually how old I am) is used to evaluate someone and who honestly knows how long I've been around?

I can't honestly say I've done much for this clan other than provide some humorous comments and a few pointers to various members. I read everything on this board (you can quote me on this) so the likelyhood of me missing anything on this board is astronomically low. I'm willing to state whatever is on my mind and am open minded to the ideas of others. Some of our members act childish at times which I'm willing to deal with however, I will not accept blatant stupidity in this clan. I'm in-game enough to participate in clan servers from time to time and will also participate in clan wars if asked.
After 1337 changed their name to Ethereal I offered to help with anything this clan would need help on and this statement still stands. I'll go out of my help to help member if need be, and I'll do it over and over and over again. I know I often bluntly disagree with members (sometimes the entire clan) on various decisions but I do so with good intentions. I try to keep personal affiliations out of conflict because the point of an arguement is to solve a problem. Not to give people the chance to fight with each other. I'm only here to help the clan and its members and I don't intend to leave any time soon.

If I get the power to do so, the first thing I'm gonna do is delete this post.
Reading my own applications are awkward.

Darn I didn't get the chance to recommend Nyaan. You guys are ninjas.
Hey this is my app for the war hero rank.
I am very forum active and ingame just as much. I am a grammatical wizard for a 12 year old. I love ethr more than das1 loves scamming. I lie everyone in ethr, not the gay way. I have been an etherian exploring the Ethernet for a few months now, loving every second of it. I would love it if I am accepted.
Please consider my app.
Originally Posted by Toazuku View Post
Dear reader(s),

This post here exists for the cause of the following; the position of Moderator.
In my opinion, I'm the perfect option for a Moderator.

Moderator is a good option for me, I like keeping everything clean and fun for everyone, but with rules, so no one ever does something inappropriate without getting away with it.
Inferno needs a new buddy to keep everything checked, and I believe he couldn't keep by himself.
I'll keep everything save for every religion (no racism or anything racism related.), no matter what you believe in, I think everyone should be respected for who they are, and not for what they believe in.
We need a forum ruler, who keeps everything strict and tells everyone to read the rules, and if they break the rules, the below is what I had in mind for a system (if I would be the moderator).
The first rule breaking action; a warning (nothing too serious, as long as the rule break wasn't too hard).
The second rule breaking action; another warning (quite more serious, if a person breaks the rules twice, he'll need to watch out from then on).
The THIRD rule breaking action; a temporary ban from the Ethereal forums (If this isn't possible, I'd suggest removing every of their posts and reporting them to the authorities.)

I've been in Ethereal for quite an amount of time now, like 2-3 months now (I've been in Ethereal before, but I was in the hospital for a long amount of time, unfortunately, not everyone knew that, so I was kicked for inactivity).
I really want to help the clan out by being a moderator, so I really hope I could be one.
I tend to make the clan more fun, but no spamming of course.

This has been my application, I wish you all a good day.
Ties. (ToaZuku)

Even though I am not in the clan, doesn't mean that I don't wan't to be part of Ethereal anymore.
If possible, I'd still like to become an Ethr mod(forum mod).