It seems that such things needed to be stated even though they are common sense considering that nearly every opinion on this thread that has been presented without links has been quickly shot down. This was also the reason for the links, it seemed to be the only way to be taken seriously. The link you provided couldn't be found but I'll take your word for it.
Hmm.. 60 years, probably we will get extinct due to the fact of global warming.
Hmm.. 60 years, probably we will get extinct due to the fact of global warming.
Hmmm 60 years? Well, I guess Technology would've reached it's "futuristic" state with flying cars and all that jazz.
Lol, zayex I think you're right, we'll be emotionless, lack of love and that can lead to a big tragedy.
i see instant connection to internet and every thing just to happen where computers rule
Fossil fuel power accounts for more than 2000 times more deaths than nuclear.
Nuclear power is well known for having the lowest deaths per unit power. Sensationalist media are more interested in documenting the one failure every 10 years than they are reporting the hundreds of deaths every year from fossil fuels. I guess this would be why you are experiencing a perception bias.
Hmm.. 60 years, probably we will get extinct due to the fact of global warming.
Totalitarian, bleak, and emotionless society. Earth will most likely be exhuasted of its resources, and corporations will probably have a lot more influence. Oh, and christianity will probabably fall.
These dystopian futures with machines ruling have always seemed silly. Technology does not work like the human brain. It is only capable of interpreting information and acting exactly accordingly. A calculator will not give you the wrong answer because it forgot to carry a 1.
This does bring up an interesting project I recall, which expects to digitize the human brain somewhere in the next decade.