Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[R]void/elf Teddy bear head
Hello fellow artist I would like to request a 512x512 head texture. For this head text I would like it to be anime based teddy bear. For example I would like a snitched teddy bear with stuffing falling out. I want the base to be Elf color and the darkened areas to be void. Except in the below picture I want the eye to be even with the other. The prices I would pay for the head is 20-40k. If you think these prices aren't reasonable please pm me and i'll see if I can make an agreement. Best to luck to those who participate in making my head text. This will probably be my permanent head text so I would like to be great.

For example:
I'm back :)
Well then im not sure whats wrong with those links because they both work fine for me. Just imagine a normal teddy bear that has been through a lot. Stitches along the mouth and a cut in its forehead with stuffing coming out.
I'm back :)