Original Post
Force forge
Ive been thinking...
Maybe make a force color forge like the flame forge where you can mix red, blue and green together to make a new color. The price system is like this:

The marketeers will look at your force created and figure out the price, so that we won't have a void color for only 30k. I will take 24 hours or so to look at the color. After 24 hours, the marketeers will soon pm you and make an image of it with its name. The pm will say 'press the accept button to successfuly make the force'. The price will be judged by the marketeers

When you want to sell it, the picture of the force will go on it.

Whatcha think guys?
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
I'm on board.. but I don't think the marketeers or forgers will be.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
If this existed, and custom force (or color for that matter) should be 100k+. The marketeers don't have time nor should they be relied on to make icons for every custom force. If this existed, there should be a single custom force icon.
On the topic of color, you missed specularity. Joint colors aren't just a matter of RGB. A good example is vampire vs supernova.

If this were highly priced enough so that everyone wouldn't have a custom color, then I support. It should be fully automated in the pricing system, it could likely be based at least partially on the flame pricing system.
How much more variety can you have? There's already like 70 colors... (Now, one could argue that the flame forge is the same deal, but you can do more with flames.) Chances are, the color you make is so close to an already existing color, it's just cheaper to buy the "premade."

~not supported
Your pal,
The Item Forgers already handle making new colors, no need for a forge. You're more than welcome to suggest new colors to us via pm though, just provide a color code, or a sample of the color.
Done with this community, you guys suck.