Christmas Lottery
All without hunter, 1k
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Kaia sound- 350tc
Hunter relax- 7k
Flame particle texture- 1.5k
Marine force- 400tc
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
400 kiai sound
hunter lax, 8.5k
marine force, 750 tc
okay on flame texture
You, you the people have the power to make life free.. Free and beautiful
You've sent Flame Particle Texture, Kiai Sound to Eason.

marine force is 1.25k on market -.- 700 marine force, final.

hunter lax. 8k
You, you the people have the power to make life free.. Free and beautiful