Not to interrupt or anything but I'm gonna be gone for the next couple days, back on Saturday.

Maybe we should have a section for inactivity on either ZeTo's or Cham's post?
~ [Fa]mily~
"You may have Downs, but you get me up." - Hucota7
Flash: I actually like the way you think, there must've been some reason our sperm made it to the egg, right?

Timerro: This is in no way spam, your post was a useless post though.
Contact me through IRC/PM if you see problems and do NOT state them in the clan thread. Edit: Appears that Tim deleted his post.

Kitten: Good idea, I'll tell cham to add it to the 2nd post.
Last edited by zeto; Mar 28, 2013 at 02:13 PM.
King: Epic win indeed, muehuehue

About this death theory, I have my own opinion as well.

Life is an energy, and energies don't disappear ever.
They just get transferred to something else, not necessarily something we can use or even see.
In other words, I think that if you die, your "soul" (in this case life force/energy) will be transferred into the dirt, an animal as in reincarnation or something like that...

I'm not religious, I'm agnostic. so there's no Jesus belief in that^ just science.
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
your "soul"

i've heard that each soul weighs 14 grams: the doctor put a person that was about to die on a balance, and when he/she died, he/she lost 14 grams, iirc
What I actually believe is that you have a second chance. When you die, you can have the right to come back once again.
Oh and another thing I do believe is you will return like a relative to your family.
Want any help, just throw me a PM | Family's are really important.
''Chamara;You beast, you burnt my house.''
Quite interesting discussion actually.

Well Family, I was thinking about having some nice hang out server later.
If you all hop on IRC we'll chat abit there and meet up ingame and have tons of fun in weird mods and shit.

Newest replay, please CnC on thread. :3
Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
Not to interrupt or anything but I'm gonna be gone for the next couple days, back on Saturday.

Maybe we should have a section for inactivity on either ZeTo's or Cham's post?

We could implement that, but the question is why would we.

Also, my theory about the death thing is that you'll find out when you're dead.
The reason you don't know it while you're alive is probably because you aren't supposed to.

go find out
for the activity thing, i'd suggest you make a code thing

Activity code:

Members --------------------------------- Active?
ZeTo ------------------------------------ Yes
chamara --------------------------------- Yes
Hucota7 --------------------------------- Away
pal ------------------------------------- Yes
Timerro --------------------------------- Yes
DemonBurn ------------------------------- Away
Fenris ---------------------------------- Busy
Flash ----------------------------------- Yes
Kitten ---------------------------------- Away
Luminusian ------------------------------ Yes
sprytryne ------------------------------- Busy
Gurrreat idea pal.
Mom made burgers made out of just burgers and cheese. (No bread)
Trust me, fucking de-lish.
that's delicious, send me one pls

i was also wondering on making fun tournies, like, for the clan members and allies, with no prizes, just for fun time