Secret Santa 2024
I heard the latest Star Wars game (Star Wars 1313) will get cancelled because of this.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
It's true that North korea will bomb Usa april 15?
I saw much notices
I know it's on spanish but that was the link I found I think you can understand through the video still.

Theres the link that I read , but I knew about this just because 2 friends in school told me, I'm very scared for people that I love that are in U S A, If something happens to them I would die too
Latin, none of that is sure yet. And it seems a little fake because it was even given a date to when they will bomb USA. If it were to happen, it has a huge chance of causing WWIII.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
I'm still pretty sure it's fake though.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
I wouldnt be too sure about it, since those North-Koreans are crazy in some way (not offensive speaking). But I'm interested in the development of this, since it will affect all other countries, too.
Another game to be excited for. I have to get ready to empty my pockets.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
I'm gonna buy it soon. Once I finish Crysis 3, Dead Space 3 and DMC the I'm gonna buy Bioshock Infinite, Gears of War Judgement, and Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
NK Going to Bomb US xD And how would they get the nukes to go that far they have no military and their nukes have no range and would be crush by US China And Russia also Count I learned that Germany owes Us money from loans we gave them to pay off France from Reparations from WWI